Monday, April 20, 2015


Hope everyone is well tonight! (or day depending on where you are in the world.) Soo I want to get some of my stuff out there that I have written recently in a notepad on a jaunt or another such venture. Thanks for reading in advance :) Here comes randomness in many forms of the written English language. Keep in mind also that most of my writing is done in different accents, I only write as I hear the words spoken in my head, in whatever way they are spoken in.

"Trajectories of a broken past life shoot through my present like a million tiny arrows, nearly translucent images make themselves known in the back of my mind, barely detected but not entirely apparent. Here, the battle begins."

"Self-prep Talk" 
     "Resilience. Determination. Humor. The ability to keep ya wits about ya. These are all the things ya gotta have to make it in this world. To get a ticket to ride, ya gotta earn ya seat. To flow with the dojo ya gotta create ya own mojo. The majority, they're the ones ya gotta impress. Takin' steps to deal with that stress. Ignore the tension. Swim through the red tape, navigate the given landscape. Go ahead and tear down those dilapidated structures; build upon them anew eh? I admit, these old eyes are delighted to witness the ingenuity of some."

"Life is pretty much nothing but a serious of challenges that all have one common element-to be a fiend or not to exist as such? To not be fiendish, once having tasted, is a spectacular conquering in and of itself, my friend."

RAW-written whilst having a nice seat on a warm bench in a park by a lake I had biked to
"I lovingly caress this page with my words. I take into account all things. I want to sit on a mountain for days in silence, with nothing but the sounds of nature blessing my ear with sweet nurturings. Noise pollution. Yek. My mind is my sanctuary. There, I can run and hide and be safe. Just as I have done time and time again. This life is one I have CREATED for myself. Noone will slow my momentum. My most dangerous adversary is indeed myself. The inertia, however, is innate in me. It is written in my DNA to forget and to flourish. The sun lightly lays a hand on my back and reassures me. It is an absolutely wonderful and strange planet we live on. Noone will take this time of discovery away from me, not even my mother and father. NOT. ANYMORE.
Used to feel so much turmoil. So much hate. For now it is successfully stored away. Put in a box inside me and tucked underneath my lungs. At this moment, everything is bliss. For now, all bad things are cast away. I choose what goes in my cast-iron trap of a mind. I. CHOOSE. And most importantly, I love. I see. I know. I look forward to the undoubted recycling of my essence throughout this incredible multiverse."

This little quote I might dub something like- "Aspirations of the Robust Kind"
      "I attempt to adhere to the codes and guidelines my higher self has rendered necessary to adhere to. I grasp for the shreds of light and ultimate design I know to be present in my perspective existence. 2015? The year of preparation indeed? I do believe so my friends, I do believe so."

Okay folks well tis all for now, thank you so much for reading my silliness. :D

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